Undergraduate medical education
Campbell, Jeffrey I. “Art and the uncertainty of medicine.” Jama 312.22 (2014): 2337-2339.
Miller, Alexa, et al. “From the galleries to the clinic: applying art museum lessons to patient care.” Journal of Medical Humanities 34.4 (2013): 433-438.
Naghshineh, Sheila, et al. “Formal art observation training improves medical students’ visual diagnostic skills.” Journal of general internal medicine 23.7 (2008): 991-997.
Pain and Palliative Care
Centeno, Carlos, et al. “Palliative care and the arts: vehicles to introduce medical students to patient-centred decision-making and the art of caring.” BMC medical education 17.1 (2017): 1-10.
Marr, Bonnie, et al. “The weight of pain: what does a 10 on the pain scale mean? An innovative use of art in medical education to enhance pain management.” Journal of pain and symptom management 57.6 (2019): 1182-1187.
Zarrabi, Ali John, et al. “Museum-Based Education: A Novel Educational Approach for Hospice and Palliative Medicine Training Programs.” Journal of palliative medicine 23.11 (2020): 1510-1514.
Arts-based healthcare pedagogy
Chisolm, Margaret S., Margot Kelly-Hedrick, and Scott M. Wright. “How Visual Arts–Based Education Can Promote Clinical Excellence.” Academic Medicine 96.8 (2021): 1100-1104.
Chisolm, Margaret, et al. “Transformative Learning in the Art Museum: A Methods Review.” Family medicine 52.10 (2020): 736-740.
Gaufberg, Elizabeth, and Maren Batalden. “The third thing in medical education.” The Clinical Teacher 4.2 (2007): 78-81.
Gaufberg, Elizabeth, and Ray Williams. “Reflection in a museum setting: the personal responses tour.” Journal of Graduate Medical Education 3.4 (2011): 546-549.
Gooding, Holly C., et al. “Fostering humanism in medicine through art and reflection.” Journal of Museum Education 41.2 (2016): 123-130.
Online adaptations for learners
Kelly-Hedrick, Margot, et al. “The Online Art Museum.” MedEdPublish 1 (2020).
Stouffer, Kaitlin, et al. “The Role of Online Arts and Humanities in Medical Student Education: Mixed Methods Study of Feasibility and Perceived Impact of a 1-Week Online Course.” JMIR medical education 7.3 (2021): e27923.
Kim, Kain. “Bedside education in the art of medicine (BEAM): A learner’s perspective on arts‐based teaching.” Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice (2021).